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His Majesty King Abdullah II and the Dialogue

Dialogue and the promotion of the values of peace and the culture of meeting among peoples are among the main concerns of His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Al Hussein since he took over his constitutional powers. His Majesty's initiatives in this noble humanitarian field, following which he has won numerous global awards, are tangible evidence and international appreciation for these royal efforts.


On his Birthday in 1999, His Majesty King Abdullah II, Ibn Al Hussein, launched his constitutional powers, to be a King over the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, by declaring Christmas on 25/12 of every year an official holiday for all Jordanian society's governmental and private institutions. Since that year, it has also become an annual tradition for the heads of churches in Jordan to meet His Majesty to exchange congratulations on Christmas. In 2006, His Majesty the King told the bishops of the representatives of Christians in Jordan: "All in Jordan, Muslims, and Christians, form one family together, and work hand in hand, for the good, progress, and prosperity of the nation."

Since the assumption of his powers, His Majesty King Abdullah II has made outstanding efforts on the World Stage of Interfaith Dialogue, although we know that from those years to the present, it has not been easy years globally, there were many regional, local and global challenges, especially in the field of religions, which unfortunately have been distorted when acts of terrorism have worn a religious chill.

His Majesty for years has been leading the moderate tide of Islam and religions in general. And he emerged on the world stage with his persistent and sustained efforts, especially when he sponsored the 2002 Arab Christian Conference, Amman's message was launched in 2004, and in 2007 the World Interfaith Harmony Week, In 2010, the United Nations Platform requested that the first week of February be counted as an international week of interfaith harmony, which was unanimously approved. Let us not forget in 2013 when His Majesty the King sponsored and called for the international conference on preserving the Arab Christian identity, and in 2014 opened Jordanian airspace to receive displaced persons from Iraq who came to Jordan after suffering terrorism in their country because of religion.

His Majesty has won many international awards in recognition of his efforts to achieve interreligious harmony, protect Islamic and Christian holy places and protect religious freedoms, as well as His Majesty's interest in human rights, hosting refugees, working for peace, and his efforts in countering extremism, addressing misconceptions about Islam, hate speech and fear of Islam (Islamophobia). The most prominent awards include the Pope John Paul II Prize in 2005, the Templeton Circle in 2018, the Peace Lamp Award in 2019 and the 2022 Humanitarian Fraternity Award. The "Road to Peace" Award from the Vatican Mission to the United Nations 2022.

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