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Jordanian Initiatives in the Field of Dialogue

Jordan has become a source of global messages of harmony, drawing strength and determination from its importance and its message as sacred land and a guardian of Islamic and Christian sanctities in the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, drawing on its unique experience and its daily state of religious harmony to serve as a global model for building fraternity, peace and peace.


1. Amman's Message: Amman's letter began as a detailed statement issued by His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Al Hussein, on the evening of 9 November 2004, in Amman. Its purpose is to make public the truth of Islam and what is true Islam, to clear what is stuck with Islam from what is not in it, the actions that represent it and those that do not. Its aim was to clarify to the modern world the true nature of Islam and the true nature of Islam.

2. A Common Word Between Us and You: "Love of God and Love of Neighbor", a common denominator and a base for dialogue and understanding between the Islamic religion and the Christian religion, on which the final version of the document (A Common Word between Us and You) is based which has been announced in Amman, under the auspices of His Majesty King Abdullah II in September 2007. Following the announcement of the document's wording, 138 scientists and advocates sent an open message: "A Common word between us and you", drafted by His Highness Prince Ghazi Ben Mohammed, His Majesty's Senior Adviser on Religious and Cultural Affairs, and reviewed by leading scholars, from Abu Dhabi to leaders of Christian churches in the world and all Christians, inviting them to meet on common ground based on the love of God and love of Neighbor.

3. World Interfaith Harmony Week: is an annual event celebrated during the first week of February. The United Nations General Assembly endorsed World Interfaith Harmony Week in its resolution 65/5 of 20 October 2010. ", following a proposal by His Majesty King Abdullah II at the United Nations, call upon Governments, institutions, and civil society to celebrate it with various programs and initiatives that will further this week's goals in emphasizing that interreligious understanding and dialogue have important dimensions in the culture of peace and in promoting understanding and harmony among people.

4. Conference on Challenges Facing Arab Christians: Under the auspices of His Majesty King Abdullah II, His Highness Prince Ghazi bin Mohammed, His Majesty's Senior Adviser on Religious and Cultural Affairs, inaugurated the conference "Challenges facing Arab Christians" in Amman on 3 September 2013, with the participation of more than 100 senior Christian clergy from around the world. The conference reviewed the main obstacles and challenges facing Christians in the Arab region. His Majesty the King, while receiving the participants in the conference, stressed that "the protection of the rights of Christians is a duty, not a merit or a kindness. Arab Christians have played a major role in building our Arab societies and defending our nation's just causes", calling for "strengthening the course of interreligious dialogue and focusing on maximizing the common among adherents of religions and doctrines."

5. Hosting displaced persons coming from Mosul: Under His Majesty King Abdullah II, Jordan hosted displaced siblings from several countries due to events and political strikes, but also hosted Christians who came from Mosul and the towns of the Nineveh Valley at risk of dying from religious persecution, extremism and intolerance as ISIL members invaded their historic areas. Jordan has welcomed them with open arms and has provided them with everything they need for years, not only food, water, medicine and shelters, but has also allowed them to restore their sense of human dignity and to complete their faith in all peace and stability.

6. Dialogue Institutions: In addition to initiatives at the global level, Jordan has many institutions and centers dealing with dialogue, intellectual and cultural issues, most notably the Al-Bayt Foundation for Islamic Thought, the Royal Institute of Religious Studies, the Catholic Centre for Studies and Information and the Center for Studies and Research of Religious Coexistence.

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