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The Fountain of Love Choir

It is a religious musical band (Coral) consisting of a group of congregants and musicians, working to offer religious hymns in traditional Eastern and Western ways, speaking in Arabic, as well as in other languages. The choir began in 2002, with a group of young men and women introducing hymns on the holidays, then it has shown rapid development and outstanding performance to be called to the main church celebrations, as well as in many national celebrations. The choir participated in festivals inside the Kingdom and represented Jordan at dozens of events outside the Kingdom. The choir presented Oratorio (Fountain of Love) as the first-ever Jordanian Oratorio.


Dormition of the mother of God Choir – Mafraq

The Dormition of the mother of God Choir, of the Orthodox Church of the Dormition of the mother of God Choir in Mafraq, was founded in 1999 on the initiative of a group of young people. Since its founding, the choir has been celebrating dozens of major religious celebrations in various regions of Jordan, as well as participating in several national celebrations. One of the main objectives of the choir is to revive the Byzantine heritage through Byzantine music presented by the choir both inside and outside Jordan.

Jordan Byzantine Choir

Jordan's Byzantine Choir began in 2005 based on the idea of establishing a chorus specializing in the Byzantine Eastern Chanting of the Roman Royal Catholic Church in Jordan. The choir commemorates many evenings throughout the year and participates in major Catholic Church ceremonies, especially at the Roman Royal Catholic Monastery, and has participated in a number of national ceremonies. It always seeks to revive the heritage of Christian spiritual life in word and melody and to rehabilitate a new generation capable of blending spirituality with musical knowledge.


Sacred Heart of Jesus Choir

The Choir of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was founded in 1993. It quickly developed over the years to become one of the main church choirs in Jordan, as it presents religious hymns in many languages and diverse beautiful voices. The choir usually celebrates three evenings annually: the Passion and Resurrection evening during the Easter period, an evening dedicated to the Virgin Mary, and an evening on the occasion of Christmas. The choir participates in many of the main celebrations of the Catholic Church in Jordan. It also participated in evenings outside the Kingdom, and represented Jordan on many occasions.

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