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Jesus Christ in Jordan

A historical fact of which there is no doubt that Christ resided in Jordan. The Holy Gospel mentions many events, including miracles and teachings implemented by Jesus in Jordanian land, most notably his baptism by John the Baptist in Bethany across Jordan, a town east of the Jordan River.


The Lord Christ resided in Jordan. He blessed it and its people, who used to flock to Him whenever he stayed with them or passed, as they used to go to nearby places to listen to Him, as stated in Mark the Evangelist (3:7-8): “Jesus went to the sea with his disciples, and a great crowd followed him from Galilee, and across the Jordan, and the outskirts of Tyre and Sidon."

If we go back to the map of Palestine and Jordan during the time of Jesus Christ, it becomes clear to us that “Across the Jordan” is the area that includes the Jordan Valley, east of the Jordan River: from the south of Ṭabaqat Faḥl (Pella) to the Dead Sea, and the Madaba area to Mujib and its mouth at the Dead Sea, and the area of Madaba to Mujib and its downstream in the Dead Sea, and Salt and Wadi Zarqa (Jabouq) and the surrounding mountains before it flows into the Jordan valley and flows into the Jordan River, and the remainder of the present-day Jordan lands, with the exception of the desert extending east and south, and with the exception of southern Jordan, were annexed by the Ten Cities Alliance. Most of these cities were in present-day Jordan. The incident of casting out demons and drowning pigs (Matthew 8:28), occurred near the city of Jadara (Umm Qais) in the north of Jordan, which is one of the ten cities.

The Holy Bible mentions that John the Baptist baptized in many places: "Bethany" across Jordan (John 1:28), a town located in "across Jordan", which means the east of the river.

And in Bethany, across the Jordan, some priests and Leviticus asked John the Baptist: “Who are you? And he confessed that he was not the Christ, and in this Bethany John saw Jesus coming toward him and said: "Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world." (John 1:28-29).

And the Evangelist continues, saying: "And on the next day John was standing there, that is, in Bethany across the Jordan, with two of his disciples, and he stared at Jesus as he was walking, and said, "Behold, the Lamb of God", and the two disciples heard his words; they immediately understood the content of this phrase, so they followed Jesus without hesitation. When Jesus saw them following him, he said to them: What do you want? They replied: Rabbi (i.e. teacher), where do you live? He said to them: Come and see. The text adds that they went and saw where he was staying - perhaps he was staying in one of the caves - and that they stayed with him that day (John 1:35-39).

There was also confirmation of this, in another place in the Gospel of St. John (3:26), when John the Baptist said to his disciples: He that was with thee beyond the Jordan, to whom thou bearest witness — behold, the same baptizeth and all men come to Him.

And Matthew said at the beginning of the nineteenth chapter of his Gospel: “Now when Jesus had finished these sayings, he went away from Galilee and entered the region of Judea beyond the Jordan, and great crowds followed him, and he healed them there.” And Jesus headed across the Jordan to reach the Holy City because, as it seems clear, he wanted to avoid passing through Samaria, so he took the road of the valley, passing “across the Jordan” and there many crowds followed him and healed their sick, then crossed the Jordan to Jericho to continue on his way to Jerusalem.

And when he was also "across the Jordan," some of the Pharisees came to him and said to embarrass him: Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for what reason? Jesus answered them: "Have you not read that the Creator from the beginning made them male and female, and said: Therefore, a man leaves his father and mother and cleaves to his wife, so they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, let no one separate "(Mark 10:6, Matthew 19:1).

And there he brought children to him to put his hands on them and bless them, so the disciples rebuked them, and Jesus said: “Let the children, do not prevent them from coming to me, for there is the kingdom of heaven for such people.” Then he laid his hands on them and blessed them, and went on his way (Matthew 19: 3-15).

And when the Jews pursued Christ and wanted to stone him, he escaped from their hands and crossed the Jordan River again, and in the first place went to where John was baptized, to Bethany across the Jordan, and lived there, so many people came to him. And when he was there, the two sisters of Lazarus sent to him, saying to him: “Jesus, the one you love is sick,” because the brother of Lazarus was sick and on the verge of death.

Hence, we see, beyond controversy, that the Lord Jesus Christ passed through the Jordan, resided there, and loved it: He loved its land and its river, its plain and its mountains, and made it a blessed and pure land, and honored it with His life-giving message, which He spread everywhere, a sincere call to love, repentance, righteousness and charity, and took from his good family companions and followers.

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