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The Martyrdom of John the Baptist in Machaerus

The Orthodox and Latin churches in Jordan celebrate on August 11 and August 29 every year the commemoration of the beheading of the glorious prophet John the Baptist, or what is known as the day of the martyrdom of the patron saint of Jordan, as the crime took place in Machaerus Castle and its prison.

Machaerus Castle is about 32 kilometers from the Jordanian city of Madaba to the southwest, and rises 700 meters above sea level on an isolated hill overlooking the Dead Sea. In 2000, it was included among the Christian pilgrimage sites.

Saint John the Baptist enjoys great honor and status among the Christians of Jordan.

Churches in Jordan dedicate a festive mass and a fast on the anniversary of his beheading annually.

Saint John the Baptist is considered to have a great status among Christians, because he was the link between the Old Testament and the New Testament. He is the one who baptized Jesus Christ with the waters of the Jordan River and lived for a period of time in the wilderness of Jordan. He has a cave in the area of ​​the Baptism Site. He preached about Christ and called people to repent and return to the Kingdom of God. 

The reason for the beheading of John the Baptist is that he was rebuking Herod for marrying his brother Herodias' wife, in violation of Christian law. Herodias wanted to kill John, but she could not (Mark 6:19).

Herod celebrated his birthday and Salome, Herodias' daughter, danced at the party. Herod was impressed, so he swore to her that he would give her everything she wanted. She asked her mother, who suggested that she ask for John's head. Herod sent someone to cut off John's head and bring it on a platter. 

These events were witnessed by the castle of Makawir, which is located on the top of a conical mountain. Visitors to the castle can see its stone wall that is about four meters high, in addition to the ancient stone columns. 

At the bottom of Mount Makawir, the visitor can see the cave that was the prison of John the Baptist, where caves surround the mountains, then an ancient Byzantine church, named after Saint Malachius, built in the sixth century AD, and containing mosaic floors and Greek writings in its center. It is considered the largest church next to Mount Makawir.

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