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Makawir castle

Saint John the Baptist is considered a major patron saint for Jordanian Christians, and the town of Makawir, near the city of Madaba, is considered a religious tourist attraction. It was in Makawir Castle that John the Baptist was imprisoned and beheaded by King Herod, ruler of Galilee.

The Catholic Church also considers the 29th of August an annual date for a national pilgrimage and a ceremonial mass in memory of the beheading of John the Baptist in Makawir Castle, which is about 32 kilometers from the city of Madaba to the southwest.

Makawir Castle overlooks the Dead Sea, and is surrounded by a picturesque nature of valleys, mountains, and plains. Christians consider it to have a high level of religious specialness because of its connection to John the Baptist, who is considered a witness to the coming of Christ.

John the Baptist is the only figure to whom the Church dedicated holidays on his birthday, June 24, and on the day he was beheaded, August 29, in celebration, fasting, and prayers.

The Bible said about John that his clothing was made of camel’s hair, and a leather girdle around his waist, and his food was locusts and wild honey (Matthew 3:4).

Makkawar was included on the map of religious tourism in 2000 because of the castle that was rebuilt by Herod the Great, to be a fortified castle and a palace for rest and relaxation.

John was rebuking Herod because he had taken his brother Herodias’ wife in violation of Christian law, and he said to him, “It is not lawful for you to take your brother’s wife” (Mark 6:18). Because of this, Herod ordered John to be imprisoned (Luke 3:20), and Herodias wanted to kill John, but she could not (Mark 6:19).

When Herod celebrated his birth anniversary, Herodias' daughter Salome danced at the party. Herod was impressed, so he swore to her that he would give her everything she wanted. She asked her mother, and she advised her to ask for John's head. So Herod sent an chamberlain who cut off John's head and brought it on a platter. The news reached John's disciples, so they came and carried his body and placed it in the tomb (6:17-29).

These events were witnessed by Makawir Castle, which is located on top of a conical mountain, 730 meters high above sea level. Visitors to the castle see its stone wall, which is about four meters high, in addition to the ancient stone columns.

At the bottom of Mount Makawir there is the cave that was a prison for John the Baptist. Caves surround the mountain, and on the way to the castle there is a Byzantine church. The most important thing in the castle of all is a mosaic piece dating back to the late 1st century BC.

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