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Nebu mountain

Mount Nebo has a great tourist and religious status among followers of the three monotheistic religions, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, as this is the place where the Prophet Moses climbed and saw the Holy Land for the last time before his death.

Mount Nebo is about 30 kilometers from the capital, Amman, and about 10 kilometers from the archaeological and tourist city of Madaba. It rises more than 800 meters above sea level, in addition to it overlooking the mouth of the Jordan River and the Holy Land.

Mount Nebo is also known as Sagha, which is a Syriac word meaning monastery, as the site is full of monasteries, and dates back to the fourth century AD. It was composed of three standing buildings where the altar is now. This holy place had a large hidden vestibule that included a number of graves decorated with mosaics. The three-nave church was built in 597 AD during the reign of Sergius, Bishop of Madaba, and in 608 he added a small church for the Virgin Mary, mother of the Lord Jesus.

The Christian pilgrimage to Mount Nebo takes one hour, where the tourist feels the spirituality of the place, and upon his arrival, he sets out on the journey to ascend to the summit on foot and can look to the west, where the Jordan River is, in which the pool was baptized, as well as Jerusalem and Bethlehem.

The tourist sees the Peace Monument, which was inaugurated in 2000 during the reign of Pope John Paul II, may God have mercy on him, when he visited Jordan and declared Mount Nebo a global site for Christian pilgrimage. The tourist also arrives at the Springs of Moses, which were spread on Mount Nebo and where the Prophet Moses stood, according to historical and religious sources.

The memorial is a pole in the shape of a cross with a snake up to four meters long, with religious symbols. Then the tourist visits the shrine of the Church of the Prophet Moses, where he lights candles and prays or holds a mass, as many tourists do.

The visitor continues his journey with the historical archaeological site of Khirbet Al-Makhit, which includes ancient churches decorated with mosaic floors, and then concludes his trip with a visit to the Story Museum, which contains products representing Jordanian religious, historical and cultural monuments.

The place contains a small rest house and other facilities, and the entrance fee does not exceed five dollars (three Jordanian dinars).

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