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Baptism in Jordan


Pilgrims coming to the site of the baptism of Jesus Christ in Jordan know that they are coming to a unique holiness on earth and connected to heaven, so their journey to the baptism near the Jordan River carries all the meanings of pure faith in the greatness of the place and its secrets far in history.

What is baptism if it is not the sacrament of new birth in the same waters in which Jesus Christ was baptized? Baptism for children makes them part of the body of Christ, opening the doors of the Heavenly kingdom to boys and girls. The Lord said: “Unless you are born of water and the spirit,you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.” (John 3:5).

Baptism for children in particular is considered a family and social celebration. So what if any Christian father or any Christian mother decided to go to Jordan on a Hajj trip and then baptize their children in the holiest place in the world?

We always remember all the spiritual connotations related to baptism, and every visitor with his family and children has the only and rare opportunity to be part of the place where Jesus Christ was baptized by John the Baptist from the holy waters of the Jordan River.

Families rejoice at baptism, and there are special preparations within the framework of the spiritual celebration, so that the event is exceptional and recorded in the life of the baptized child at the baptism site in the bath, and blessings come to the child and his family.

The Christian family rejoices at the baptism of the child in a place it chooses according to its desire, especially since the secret of new birth in Christ Jesus places the baptized child in the book of life, as stated in the Holy Bible. However, if families choose to baptize their children in a bath, the procedures are easy and simple.

Coordination is made with the priest according to the sect,the site is reserved, the baptism site administration is informed of the number of guests, the site is prepared, entry fees are paid, and the baptism rituals begin immediately.

The godfather or godmother carries the child, and the priest comes forward to begin the service, with prayers for expelling Satan and rejecting Satan, then blessing and saying, “Blessed is the Heavenly kingdom of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,” then the blessing of holy water, which symbolizes life. Life is impossible without water, because water in baptism washes away a person from sin and transgressions. .

In the prayer for the sanctification of waters, the priest prays that the waters will return to the way God created them and be a source of life. The priest asks God to “make this water a source of incorruption, a gift for sanctification, a redemption for sin, an elixir for diseases, and an expulsion of demons.”

The priest asks the godfather to take off the child’s clothes, which symbolizes the removal of the old, sinful human being, because baptism symbolizes death and resurrection with Christ. Then the baptized person is anointed with the oil of joy, and the child is immersed in a basin of holy water three times. Meanwhile, the name of the boy or girl is said after the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit.

The details of baptism are many, and a visit to the bath is enough to provide the family with rich rituals. Only for families to imagine their baptized children wearing their white clothes as a symbol of resurrection life, and that would be at the place of the baptism of Christ Jesus in Jordan.


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